
Submission Guidelines
Who Tannhauser Press Publishes:
Tannhauser Press publishes emerging and midcareer authors. Although prior publications are important, they are not a requirement; part of our mission is to present promising debut authors alongside those who have been previously published.
What Tannhauser Press Publishes:
Tannhauser Press focuses on speculative fiction novels, full-length short story collections, poetry, creative nonfiction, book-length essays and essays, and occasional memoirs and anthologies.
Since Tannhauser Press produces relatively few titles each year, our books reflect the individual tastes of our small staff. Our goal is to publish less than ten titles a year.
Please familiarize yourself with our books to see if your work and our list are compatible.
How to Submit a Manuscript:
Electronic Submissions are preferred. Please send your query, an outline and the manuscript to: submissions@tannhauserpress.com
Mailed Submissions:
Submissions sent by post are strongly discouraged. Email is faster, cheaper and easier for us. We strive to reply to queries as quickly as possible. However, if circumstances preclude you from using email, please follow the instructions below.
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with every mailed submission, or we will be unable to respond. We prefer to see samples (20–30 pages) with outlines before reviewing entire hard-copy manuscripts. If you would like to know if your mailed manuscript was received, please also include a self-addressed, stamped postcard so we can reply upon receipt.
Mail hard-copy submissions to:
Doris Miller, Editorial Assistant
Tannhauser Press
11705 Fillmore Lane
Suite 2503
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
The review process for full-length manuscripts can take up to 4–6 weeks, or longer in some instances. Manuscripts that seem appropriate for us are given several careful readings, and the final decision rests with the publisher. We empathize with your anticipation and appreciate your patience when submitting your manuscript.